Sunday 22 May 2011

Ramen Fighter Miki

Total Episode : 12
Years : 2006
Category : Comedy, Fighting, Life
Coming Soon!!!!!

Monday 16 May 2011

Girls High

Total Episode : 12
Years : 2006
Category : Comedy, School Life, Girls Life
This story is about a high school girls named Eriko Takahashi who just started her life as a high school girls at Yamasaki Girls Academy. Before she officially enroll to that school, Eriko along with her friend Yuma Suzuki and Ayano Sato sneak in to the school to feel what is like to go there. After they find out the true about the school Eriko run and bums with another girls group that have the same idea with them. The girls mistaken Eriko as a sempai because she wearing the high school uniform, as the girls want to know about how life at that school there Eriko tell them lie and pretend that she from that school. After the school ceremony she meet Akari Kouda , Kyoko Himeji and Ikue Ogawa the group the she meet earlier, although Himeji and Ogawa forgive Eriko but Kouda doesn't. So the battle between Eriko and Kouda began, but not long after that both girls was punish to clean a storeroom and was look in. Eriko and Kouda trapped in the storeroom and they learn about each other, after the accident the six girls become good friend.

This is the main character in this story named Eriko Takahashi, she is positive thinker girls and she care about all her friend. You don't know weather she is a very smart or stupid because she sometime can do thing right and sometime not.

This is another main character in this story named Akari Kouda, she is a very active girl and had a dream about been an actor. Although she is quiet stupid but she really care about her friend.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Martian Successor Nadesico : Prince of Darkness

Total Episode : Movie
Years : 2003
Category : Comedy, Action, Mecca
This is the continued of the Martian Successor Nadesico series and this story take place after three years and Tenkawa Akito and Misumaru Yurika have die while boarding a plane and Yuri have be promoted as the captain for the new Nadesico C (3th Generation). The Jovians and Earth have join force and peace, but suddenly a black robot came out from no where and attack one of the space colony and Ruri want to found out who the black robot pilot after it had hacking to the space colony computer and AKITO came out. Ruri found out that Akito  is still alive and he is the black robot pilot. Ruri also found out that Akito and Yurika had actually been kidnap and was put as experimental subject by the rebellion of the old Jovians.

This is Ruri the new captain of Nadesico C and she is also now as the white fairy because of her intelligent and able to hacking any computer system. She don't like to smile and not very good at expressing her feeling.

Gundam OO : A Wakening Of The Trailbazer

Total Episode : Movie
Years : 2009
Category : Action, Space, Mecca
This story is a continued from the Gundam OO series and took place after 2 years after the second season. The world has been united and now have to face a new thread an alien from another planet came by taking over an explorer space ship and come to Earth. The alien try to kidnap and took over the body of Innovator on Earth and this had cause the Earth started the war with the alien. The Celeste Being also join the fight and our hero Setsuna has gain a new Mobile Suit Gundam OO Raiser that equip with a telepathy system and then Setsuna had feel something with the alien while he was fighting them. He want to know what the alien want and determine to make contact with them, and he found out that the alien home planet was destroy and their want to find a new planet to make their new home.

This is Gundam OO Raiser that Setsuna using in this movie and it have a telepathy system and it is more powerful that Setsuna previous Mobile Suit.

This is Setsuna and he is the pilot of Gundam OO Raiser, he like to act alone and not really care about anything as long he mission is done.

Friday 6 May 2011

Rosario To Vampire Capu

Total Episode : 13
Years : 2007
Category : Comedy, School Life, Love Comedy, Monster
This story is the continued from the first season of Rosario to Vampire and it is after one year after Tsukune came to the school for monster. This time not only Tsukune have to deal with four girls named Akashiya Moka the vampire, Kurtono Kurumi the succubus, Sendo Yukari the witch and Mizore Shirayuki the snow lady also a stalker that fall in love with him but he also have to face a new girls named Akashiya Kokoa. She is also a vampire and the little sister of Akashiya Moka. Kokoa want to defeat Moka and she don't like Tsukune and always thinking a way to break his relationship with her sister. Can Tsukune deal with the four and new girls?

This is Akashiya Kokoa and she is the little sister of Akashiya Moka, she is very hot temper and hard to understand but something she can also be cute and she really love her sister although her said that she hate Moka.

Those Who Hunt Elves Season 2

Total Episode : 12
Years : 2003
Category : Comedy, Action, Fantasy, Magic, Fighting
After the first season of those who hunt elves, our friend Junpei, Airi, and Ritsuko finally have succeeded collecting all five fragments that on five elves. As their were about to be send home, Junpei have yet interrupted the ceremony that cause the speller to lost consecration and once again the spell have broken into several fragments but this time its not only five fragments but their have to collect about one thousand fragments. This time their were accompany but the spell caster Celcia and a spirit cat that was seal in a tank. So the adventure continued to find an elves and strip them cloth off.

This is Celcia she is a very powerful elves sorceress and she always arguing with Junpei about every thing although she really like him.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Martian Successor Nadesico

Total Episode : 26
Years : 1999
Category : Comedy, Mecca, Fighting, Love Comedy
This story is about a young man name Tenkawa Akito that live in Mars, one day an alien call Jovians came from Jupiter and attack the Mars. Akito live and he was found on Earth, after a year the Jovians came the people on Earth had adapt to the situation, but Akito had a trauma after the attack. One day the Jovians come attack the city that Akito work he was scare and was fired from his work. When he was cycle home he meat his childhood friend named Misumaru Yurika but he don't recognize her at first but want he saw a picture of he and Yurika he remember her. He cased Yurika at end up at the military base and end up as a cook on the ship named Nadesico, later he meet a young man named Daigoji Gai but that not his real name. His real name is Yamada Jiro and he is a Gekiganger and also a pilot for the Aestivalis a battle robot on the Nadesico. Before the Nadesico take off the Jovians come and attack the base and Akito is forced to pilot the Aestivalis to fight the Jovians and the journey to Mars begin.

This is the main character of the Martian Successor Nadesico, Tenkawa Akito and he is the cook and pilot on Nadesico.

This is the another main character in this series, her name is Misumaru Yurika and she is the captain of Nadesico and a childhood friend of  Tenkawa Akito. She also in love with Akito from their were little.

Ah! My Goddess Season 2

Total Episode : 22
Years : 2007
Category : Comedy, Life, Romance, Action
Ah! My Goddess have continue in season two with more laughter and more action in this season. After Keiichi meet the three goddess name Belldandy, Urd and Skuld , his life have change from boring life to a fun and interesting life. The goddess have make any Keiichi wish come true and happy. Although he now enjoying his new happy live a great dangers await him to end his happy live. His innocence and happy life will be change due to the demon name Hild that came to ruin Keiichi happy life. The demon is also the mother of one of the goddess name Urd this had become more complicated , and further more Keiichi have turn in to a powerful demon. Now Belldandy have to face his beloved Keiichi and find the way to turn Keiichi to a nice and loved person that she love.

This is Hild and she is a demon and also the mother of Urd although she don't look like its, but don't lets her look fool you because she is older than you think.

Himiko Den

Total Episode : 12
Years : 1999
Category : Action, Time Travel, Fighting
This story begin with the six queen candidates that was about to choose by the Bokka and before the ceremony was about to finish, the Kune kingdom make a surprise attack on the Yamatai kingdom. The Yamatai was taken over and before  the people of Kune can steel the power of Bokka, the six queen candidates was taken to safety and the Bokka was seal in a baby name Himiko and send to the future. After three year the baby came back and she had grow to sixteen year girls and accompany with her friend Kutani. Now Himiko and Kutani must use the power of Bokka within them to save Yamatai and restore it peace from the Kune kingdom will understand the true power of Bokka.

This is Himiko and she came back from three hundred years from the future and she able to control the power of Bokka and she is the the Fire Guardian ancestor.

This is Kutani and she is Himiko childhood friend from the future and he posses the power of Bokka and he need Himiko the help him to control Bokka power.

Mars Day Break

Total Episode : 26
Years : 2004
Category : Adventure, Action, Mecca, Battleship
This story began with a young man named Gram who is just a normal people that was working on one day at one of the Mars water city. But sadly he just work only one day and he already been fired, life was hard in Mars and will he was walking he meet a person that want he do a little job but he refuse it. Just before that person left a boy that was under Gram care offer himself to do the job. Gram heard the news and try to stop the boy before he join them to do that job, but while he was stopped them a pirate ship name the ship of Aurora smash the city wall and Gram fall into the water and suddenly a RB (Under Water Robot) came and rescue him to the ship of Aurora. That is where he meet Captain Elizabeth the captain of that ship. He join the pirate and learn that their a actually a good people. After a while when he was in the water city he meet his old girlfriend name Vestemona and she is a military officer. While Vestemona tried to catch him, Gram kiss her and at that moment she was determine to catch him. While he join the pirate he start to find the true about Mars and himself, and the journey start to find the past about Mars and Gram connection.

This is Gram and he is the decedent of the Mars original people and a good RB pilot and he join the pirate to collect money to make he dream come true.

This is Vestemona and she is a military officer and also Gram old girlfriend. Her duty is to catch the pirate of the ship of Aurora.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Kage Kara Mamoru

Total Episode : 12
Years : 2006
Category : Comedy, Action, Love Comedy, Ninja
Kage Kara Mamoru is a story about a family/clan that have been protecting the Konnyaku family for the past 400 year. The main character in this story are Kagemori Mamoru the ninja that have to protect Konnyaku Yuna from any danger or harm. To make Mamoru life harder, Sawagashi Airi a good friend of Yuna always tried making prank on Mamoru. Not only that he also have to face Mapputatsu Tsubaki a samurai that came to take down Yuna because she thought Yuna is are evil, but after she have a battle with Mamoru, she now know that Yuna is a good person and she started to have feeling for him. After a while  another ninja come named Yamame-chan, she is a daughter of Mamoru mother friend. She always like Mamoru from their were little, not long after that another female ninja named Kumogakure Hotaru came. She is a ninja from other clan that want to take revenge on Kagemori family, but she couldn't do the mission because she started to fell in love with Mamoru. On one day Yuna had an accident and got hurt, so the Kagemori family want Mamoru to be replace with another ninja. Hinomori Tasuke the ninja that will replacing Mamoru have a different agenda on the Konnyaku Yuna. Mamoru now have to stop Tasuke and protect Yuna life, while Mamoru are battling with Tasuke, Yuna have find out Mamoru secret that he is a ninja. But luckily for Mamoru, Yuna fell down hitting her head and forgot all that have happen including Mamoru secret. Now thing go back as always and Mamoru will keep protecting Yuna secretly.

This is the main character in this story, her name is Konnyaku Yuna and she is an airhead and clumsy. She like to cause a hard time for Mamoru although she love Mamoru since their were little.

This is also another main character in the Kage Kara Mamoru, his name is Kagemaru Mamoru and he is a ninja that secretly protecting Konnyaku Yuna.

Ah! My Goddess

Total Episode : 23
Years : 2002
Category : Comedy, Romance, Life, Action
This story is about a young man name Morisato Keiichi that have a bad luck  and live in a boring life. He always been pushing around by his two "sempai" (upperclass), but all that have change after he meet a goddess name Belldandy. After he had a wrong dial a phone number a goddess came and he make a wish that the goddess would stay with him forever. Belldandy grand his wish and stay with him and Keiichi live slowly change and stared have a good luck. Not long after he happily stay with Belldany another goddess name Urd came and make his live more interesting, and its doesn't stop there because another goddess name Skuld came along to add the spice to Keiichi life. Starting from there the three goddess live with him and he life become more and more interesting.

This is our main character in Ah! My Goddess name Keiichi, He is a collage student and very good at repair and build machine like motorcycle, car and many more. Although he don't look must but  he is a very smart boy, accept not very good with woman. If you know what i meant heheheheee.

This also our main character in Ah! My Goddess named Belldandy and she is the first goddess that Keiichi meet. She like to give joy and make people happy, but she don't really understand the right situation to do so. Either its a bad guy or a good guy she always grand their wish.

This is our second goddess that come after Belldandy came, her name is Urd and she like to spice thing up. She also want to help Keiichi and Belldandy in their love because Keiichi is to slow to told his feeling to Belldandy and Belldandy is too airhead to notice Keiichi true feeling for her.

This is our third goddess that come after Urd came her name is Skuld and she is the youngest of the three goddess. She always tried to make a prank on Keiichi because she love Belldandy so must that she think that Keiichi try to steel Belldandy from her.

Skip Beat

Total Episode : 25
Years : 2005
Category : Comedy, Life, Revenge
This story is about a young girls name Kyoko that live with his childhood friend Shotaro in Tokyo. Shotaro ask Kyoko if she want to move to Tokyo together and live there, but after Shotaro have become famous as a singer he dumb Kyoko and went Kyoko heard that Shotaro only want to use and then dumb her, she get very angry and want to take revenge at Shotaro. To do that she join LME Agency and got a job in there as Love Me Section that do any job in the agency. After a while she meet a big shoot at the LME Agency named Tsuruga Ren and he is an actor. Ren want Kyoko to forget her revenge and enjoy acting.

This is the main character in this story name Kyoko, she want to join the LME Agency so that she became famous and take her revenge on Shotaro.

This is Tsuruga Ren and he is a famous actor at LME Agency, he also want to made Kyoko to forget her revenge and enjoy acting. He also have a feeling at Kyoko.

This is Shotaro and he is a son of very rich hotel owner and he like to use people to his benefit. He also a famous singer and Kyoko childhood friend.


Total Episode : 13
Years : 2007
Category : Comedy, School Life, Action, Life
This story is about a high school boy name Takeya who live alone in apartment that is own by he childhood friend name Neneko. Every morning Neneko will come to wake up Takeya to school because Takeya had a habit wake up late, one day after school when Takeya was going home he meet a girl that actually an alien called DearS. Takeya bring the girl home and feed her and the girl had perform a contract Master and Slave with Takeya. Takeya named the girl as Ren and take care her, he also teach her about the Earth and it custom and also bring her to school. After a while another DearS name Miu came and start battle with Ren, and after a series DearS that came attack Ren that Takeya learn what are DearS really are. To prevent other DearS to capture Ren, Takeya approve the contract and claim that Ren is he slave.

This is Ren she is a DearS that is not properly programed and was lost during transfer. She don't really understand thing and only think about Takeya.

This is Takeya he is just a normal high school boy that don't really like his family and the alien (DearS) that came to Earth. Although he is a bit hot temper guy but he actually a good guy.

Desert Punk / Sunabouzu

Total Episode : 24
Years : 2004
Category : Comedy, Action, Shooting
This story is about a young boy named Mizuno Kanta and he is a handyman that do anything and any jobs as long he got the money. His also know as Sunabouzu the ghost of the desert because he always keep his jobs done despite the danger and he can move like a ghost. One day while he doing his job, he meet a girl with a huge boobs and the girl trick Kanta and run of with the object that his suppose to find. Starting at that time, he want to take revenge on that girls. One night the girl came to offer a job and the girl name is Asagiri Junko and she also a handyman, after a while Kanta started to fall in love with Junko. Later on he meet a young girl named Taiko and she is a pupil of the sniper that want to kill Kanta, and now she want to be Kanta pupil after Kanta had defeat the sniper. Kanta accept Taiko as his pupil and train her to be a handyman. After a while went their going to doing a jobs their was attack by the government people and to lets Kanta friend and his pupil, Kanta blow up the building with the government people and himself. Now Taiko take his title as Sunabouzu 2 and try to keep to Sunabouzu reputation. After a few year Junko turn out to be a good handyman. One day while she take on a jobs, she meet Akito and Akito has became a government agent, now Taiko have to face her beloved master Mizuno Kanta.

This in the main character in this story name Mizuno Kanta and he is also know as the great Sunabouzu the ghost of the desert. He do anything as long he get the money.

This is another main character in this story and her name is Taiko and she is a pupil of Mizuno Kanta and also know as Sunabouzu 2. She is very clumsy and a cried baby.

Those Who Hunt Elves

Total Episode : 12
Years : 1999
Category : Comedy, Action, Magic, Fantasy, Fighting
This story is about three people named Junpei, Airi and Ritsuko that came to the elves world from Japan because their had been summon by a powerful elves to destroy a demon. After their had defeated the demon and was about to be send back to their worlds, the elves that was casting the spell was interrupt by Junpei and cause the spell to be broken and became five spell fragments that being printed upon the bodies of countless elves over the world. So the journey had began for the three of them to find and strip the elves the found to find the fragments that will able them to go home.

This is Ritsuko she is a high school girls and obsess with weapon such as gun, tank, and many more. She also a loving person  and like cute thing and also have an ability to use any weapon as long as it will shoot.

This is Airi she is a famous actress and a quick thinker, she also have the ability to manipulate people with her acting skill.

This is Junpei he is a martial art person and can use his karate skill to face any danger that came. He is super strong but not a very smart person and easily being manipulate by Airi.

Rosario To Vampire

Total Episode : 13
Years : 2005
Category : Comedy, Action, Love Comedy, School Life, Monster
This story is about a high school boy name Tsukune who go the a high school for monster and he is the only human to go there. Before he reach at the school for the first day, he was hit by a bicycle ride by a vampire girl name Akashiya Moka and its was love first sight. Later on Tsukune find out that the school was actually for monster and he was about to leave before their find out that he is a human, but he was stop by Moka and she found out he true identity. Moka promise that she wont tell anyone about Tsukune and he change his mind and keep study there. Later on Tsukune meet a succubus girl name Kurtono Kurumu and she want Tsukune, after that he meet a witch name Yukari Sendo and she too fall in love with Tsukune, and that not stop there went he meet a snow lady name Mizore Shirayuki and she also have fall in love with Tsukune. Now Tsukune have to face with four girls that not human that have fall in love with him, and try to keep his true identity.

This is Akashiya Moka and she is a vampire that know Tsukune identity and always suck his blood. She love Tsukune so much and she have split identity went she change to battle mode.

This is Tsukune and he is just a normal human high school boy that accidentally got in the school for monster. He is a weak but got guts when the time call and he is kind to everyone.

Seto No Hanayome

Total Episode : 26
Years : 2008
Category : Comedy, School Life, Action, Love Comedy, Fighting
This story begin with a young boy name Nagasumi who one day go with his family to his father home town. While he and his father go to swing at the sea, Nagasumi started to drown and was save by a mermaid name Seto San and according to mermaid law a person who have see a mermaid must be kill or married. Thus Nagasumi have no choice but to married San, and their go back to their home in Tokyo while have their married secretly. Nagasumi and San go to school together and keep their secret married but Mawari a childhood of Nagasumi was suspicious about their relationship. After a while Runa a famous idol came and she is a mermaid and also San childhood friend came along to pick up the spice for Nagasumi. Now Nagassumi and San have to face all kind of trouble while strengthening their love for each other.

This is Seto San, she is a mermaid that save Nagasumi and had fall in love with him at the first sight. She is always think positive and trust Nagasumi. She have make Nagasumi from a weak little boy to a strong man.

This is Nagasumi and he is just a normal high school boy and was force to marry San or get kill. Although at first he do not love San but after all the time and trouble their face together have make he fall in love with her.