Tuesday 3 May 2011

Asu No Yoichi

Total Episode : 12
Years : 2004
Category : Comedy, Action, School Life, Samurai, Life
This story begin with a young boy name Karasuma Yoichi that live in a forest came to the city to train himself to be the most powerful samurai. Because he live with his father in the forest, he don't know anything about the city. In the city he live with the four sister from the Ikaruga family Ibuki, Ayame, Chihaya and the little Kagome. Both Karasuma and Ikaruga family practice martial arts and have a good relationship, but only Ibuki that still keep the family traditional going as a martial arts school. Many thing had happen to the Ikaruga family seen Yoichi came live with them, one day Ibuki was kidnap and its up to the Ayame, Chihaya , and Kagome to rescue her with the help from Yoichi.

This is Karasuma Yoichi he is a honest and innocent young boy that came from the forest to the city to train to be a skillful samurai. He is kind like old people from the Edo era.

This is Ikaruga Ibuki she is the oldest daughter of Ikaruga family, she really love all her little sisters and will do anything to protect her family. Although she is a little bit an airhead and don't really understand other people feeling to her.

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