Thursday 5 May 2011

Himiko Den

Total Episode : 12
Years : 1999
Category : Action, Time Travel, Fighting
This story begin with the six queen candidates that was about to choose by the Bokka and before the ceremony was about to finish, the Kune kingdom make a surprise attack on the Yamatai kingdom. The Yamatai was taken over and before  the people of Kune can steel the power of Bokka, the six queen candidates was taken to safety and the Bokka was seal in a baby name Himiko and send to the future. After three year the baby came back and she had grow to sixteen year girls and accompany with her friend Kutani. Now Himiko and Kutani must use the power of Bokka within them to save Yamatai and restore it peace from the Kune kingdom will understand the true power of Bokka.

This is Himiko and she came back from three hundred years from the future and she able to control the power of Bokka and she is the the Fire Guardian ancestor.

This is Kutani and she is Himiko childhood friend from the future and he posses the power of Bokka and he need Himiko the help him to control Bokka power.

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